May 03, 2008

10. Pare Pare

Hala dün gibi hatirlar m her anini anilar n
Biraz hirçin m bu yüzden biraz hüzünlüdür hep bir
yan m
Hala sizlar için için her biri yaralarim n
Dalgalid r denizim bu yüzden
Biraz issizdir hep kiyilar m
Bir yanar bir sönerim bir aglar bir gülerim
Pare pare buruktur hep sevinçlerim
Dag gibi derya gibi bende acilar sahidim sarkilar
Ne zaman ümitle hayata göz k rpsam
Çiçekler açsam kapima dayan r sonbahar
Çok erken tanidim çorken tatt m cilvesini kaderin
Zamansiz büyüdüm simdi kayip çocukluk günlerim
Bir yanar bir sönerim bir aglar bir gülerim
Pare pare buruktur hep sevinçlerim
Dag gibi derya gibi Bende acilar sahidim sarkilar
Ne zaman ümitle hayata göz k rpsam
Çiçekler açsam kapima dayan r

Bit by bit

Still, like yesterday, I remember each moment of the
That is why I am a bit ill-tempered, half of me is
always slightly sad
Each of the wounds inside me still hurt bitterly
That’s why my sea is full of waves
My shores are always a bit desolate
One moment I flame, the next I perish,
One moment I sob, the next I smile
My delights are always bit by bit made bitter
My sorrows are as big as a mountain, as far as the
ocean and my songs are my witnesses
Always when I blink my eyes at life with hope
and I my flowers start blooming, autumn is knocking
at my door
I got to know and tasted the coquettery of life very
I have grown up untimely,now my childhood days are
One moment I flame, the next I perish,
One moment I sob, the next I smile
My delights are always bit by bit made bitter
My sorrows are as big as a mountain, as far as the
ocean and my songs are my witnesses
Always when I blink my eyes at life with hope
and I my flowers start blooming, autumn is knocking
at my door